REASON IS MIND PRODUCED BY BRAIN CONCENTRATION. Reason produced by light or shallow concentration is general atmospheric mind-spirit, because it is not dense enough and adhesive enough to be an individual Spirit Being, but Reason produced by heavy or deep concentration is spirit and spirit power concentrated enough to be or become an individual Spirit Being, because the energy and magic particles of mind have become blended and united by magnetic pressure and magic power. Mental concentration in profoundness gives mind., motivation and direction and power to act in unity with itself and by itself. Reason is concentrated mind, programmed to do what the concentration does call for and obligated to do what comes natural by and to The Nature of Nature. The Reason of Nature, who originates and grows persons and things into system order, is deep-concentrated magic-magnetic mind-power that brings the science powers of MATTER and VACUUM into CREATION UNISON, and this degree of Reason may be called CREATIVE or CREATION REASON who is a phase of general Reason that borders on individual spirit strength. Yet, individual Spirit Beings DO NOT create PHYSICAL THINGS unless They are willing and ready to be used up in the growth of the creations.
ORIGINAL REASON (The Creative Energy who grew The Universes of Nature and the original persons and things of then into form and life) is NOUS (pronounced NOOS) in the American English Dictionary. The science and proper name of Nous is NOOPOOH (pronounced NOO-POO), and indeed NOOPOOH IS THE ORIGINAL CREATOR (Original Reason, Nine-Reason), Of course, The Original Reason is PRIMARY REASON. NoopooH is Nine-Reason and Nine-Ether in general and is indeed RESURRECTIONIST OF THE MENTAL DEAD -- people ignorant about the true knowledge of Nature and Its laws. NOOPOOH is the Positive Powers of Nature that reveal the facts of Positive Nature, and ZOOPOOH is the Negative Powers of Nature that reveal the facts of Negative Nature. SECONDARY REASON (The Creative Energy that produced Evolution and the secondary persons and things thereof into form and life) is called ZEUS (pronounced ZOOS) in the American English Dictionary of The United States. The Sun-God Ra of Egypt in Africa WAS ADOPTED in Greece as Zeus and in Italy as Jupiter and called LOGOS in philosophy. The proper and science name of Zeus is ZOOPOOH (pronounced ZOO-POO), and ZoopooH it THE SECONDARY CREATOR and EVOLUTIONARY PROCESSOR. Zeus (ZoopooH) is Six- Reason and Six-Ether in general. Zeus (descendants of Ptah who is Uranus) is The Gods and Goddesses (Spirit Beings) of Nature that rule and control in the BOTTOM HALF of THE SMAT CIRCLE OF ORDER. We all exist right now in the bottom of the bottom half of The Order Circle at Point 3 South.
Let It Be Remembered Always!!!
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