Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Nature By Reason

Nature is OMNIPOTENT AND EFFICACIOUS in effect, meaning, Almighty and thereby able to do anything that can be done and do it perfectly. Nature exists on the functions of OPPOSITES, meaning, Space and Matter, positive and negative, night and day, male and female, living and the dead, life and death, pleasure and pain, order and disorder and so on. Nature deals in ALTERNATIONS AND ALTERATIONS meaning, Nature alternates Its opposites and alterates Its forms, ultimately from the form to the formless and vice versa. Nature is MAGICAL AND MAGNETIC, that is, It does do things that can not be naturally duplicated by man or animal or a combination of the two. Nature is BALANCE, that is, Its laws must eventually be satisfied, resulting in liberation, justice, and. equality for ALL, including Nature's own over-all physical equilibrium. And without a doubt NATURE IS ALL, meaning, Eternal-Almighty Nature is all persons, all places and all things -- past, present and future. Nature is INFINITE in all directions and ABSOLUTE. Nature is OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT, AM OMNISCIENT. Nature is UNITY AND ACTIVITY AND RELATIVITY for All and in All. Nature is ONENESS AND UNIQUENESS. Nature is THE ALL-IN-ALL, forever and ever.

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