Monday, 28 April 2014

Kinds Of Reason - N.I.N.E Reason

Scientifically and philosophically, there are TWO MAJOR KINDS OF REASON, and They are NINE-REASON and SIX-REASON, and there are two types for each kind and namely: They are ASCENDING REASON and DESCENDING REASON, because the top half of The Circle of Order is the domain of Nine-Reason, and Descending and Ascending Reasons go through that zone. By the same principle, the bottom half of The Order Circle is the domain of Six-Reason, and likewise, Descending and Ascending Reasons go through that zone too. Basically and spiritually, Nine-Reason is POSITIVE and Six-Reason is NEGATIVE. By positive is meant -- mind and matter changing for the better in standards, qualities, and values in Nature, and by negative is meant -- mind and matter changing for the worse in those factors of Nature. Nine refers to Nine-Reason and Nine-Ether and top half of The Order Circle which is the top part of the figure 9, Six refers to Six-Reason and Six-Ether and the bottom half of The Order Circle which is the bottom half of the figure 6. The top half of The Smat Circle of Order is THE HEAD of digit 9, and the bottom half of the same circle is THE HEAD of digit 6. Nine-Reason is THE BEST MIND of The One Supreme Being in the top half of The Circle of Order during the time that the top half exists, and Six-Reason is THE BEST MIND of The ALL-in-ALL in the bottom half, until The Mentality of Sound Right Reason advents at point 3 south, moving counter-clockwise on on The Circle of Order. Reason indeed descends and ascends in degrees on The Smat Circle of Order. DESCENDING REASON ranges from tip-top (point 9 north) of The Smat Circle to rock bottom (point 3 south) of the same circle, turning in a counter-clockwise direction; and ASCENDING REASON ranges from rock bottom (point 3) of The Big Circle to tip-top (point 9) of The Smat Circle of Order. Six and Nine are opposites and the reverse of each other as the digits themselves show.

Reason is intellect and intelligence and includes inspiration and revelation. While BRAIN (being The Attribute of Brain Noots) IS THE PHYSICAL CREATOR in Nature, REASON IS THE SPIRIT CREATOR via Brain and The Laws of Nature with the help of other Matter, Space, and of course, including Time. Reason is CONSCIENCE (the distinguisher between right and wrong) and is conscious creative energy in Absolute Nature. Reason, reasons out all forms and senses what is needed for those forms to survive in accord with and within their surroundings. Reason does what comes natural in Nature by help of other supporting Ether, for Ether in general (including Reason) is THE WORLD-SOUL who is present throughout The Universes. The Original-Creator-Philosopher-Writer of this information sometimes says that Matter (Matter is anything and everything that occupy Space) is The Creator, and this is not contradictory to other true statements he makes about whom The Creator is, for Matter (Brain Noots in Matter) produces Brain who, by melting down Brain Noots into mind, produces The Intelligence-Energy Reason -- The Ether-Energy who does all the creative reasoning and guiding in the creation of all persons and things in Nature and by Nature and, Its laws. Of course, Brain Noots in Matter produce Brain and Brain in turn produces Reason, and Reason is SPIRIT AND GUIDE. Never forget! GENERAL REASON IS SPIRIT BUT NOT AN INDIVIDUAL SPIRIT BEING, AND A SPIRIT BEING IS REASON POWER BUT NOT REASON IN GENERAL.

NINE-ETHER and NINE-REASON NOOPOOH (Nous) is THE FIRST EMANATION (Primary Creator) for The One Supreme Being (Eternal-Infinite-Unique-Almighty-Absolute Nature), and SIX-REASON and SIX-ETHER ZOOPOOH (Zeus) is THE SECOND EMANATION (The Secondary-Evolution Creator) who is called LOGOS by Occult Writers and Philosophers of Mythology and Theology. Nous (Noos) and Zeus (Zoos) are OPPOSITES by Nature and in Nature, and Omnipotent-Omnipresent-Omniscient Nature alternates their existences, meaning, half of Time The Universes of Nature and the persons and things therein are ruled and controlled by SIX-ETHER AND SIX-REASON KNOWN AS ZOOPOOH (Zeus); the other half of Time (every other 36,000,000 years) The Universes and their offsprings are ruled and controlled by NINE-ETHER AND NINE-REASON KNOWN AS NOOPOOH (Nous) -- The Original Prime-Mover and Originator of UNIVERSE ORDER, that is, The Universes and the original persons and things thereof. Nine-Reason NoopooH is also The Mental Resurrector of DEAD MINDS -- those knowing not The True Knowledge of Nature and Its laws.


Sunday, 27 April 2014

Reason Continued...

REASON IS MIND PRODUCED BY BRAIN CONCENTRATION. Reason produced by light or shallow concentration is general atmospheric mind-spirit, because it is not dense enough and adhesive enough to be an individual Spirit Being, but Reason produced by heavy or deep concentration is spirit and spirit power concentrated enough to be or become an individual Spirit Being, because the energy and magic particles of mind have become blended and united by magnetic pressure and magic power. Mental concentration in profoundness gives mind., motivation and direction and power to act in unity with itself and by itself. Reason is concentrated mind, programmed to do what the concentration does call for and obligated to do what comes natural by and to The Nature of Nature. The Reason of Nature, who originates and grows persons and things into system order, is deep-concentrated magic-magnetic mind-power that brings the science powers of MATTER and VACUUM into CREATION UNISON, and this degree of Reason may be called CREATIVE or CREATION REASON who is a phase of general Reason that borders on individual spirit strength. Yet, individual Spirit Beings DO NOT create PHYSICAL THINGS unless They are willing and ready to be used up in the growth of the creations.

ORIGINAL REASON (The Creative Energy who grew The Universes of Nature and the original persons and things of then into form and life) is NOUS (pronounced NOOS) in the American English Dictionary. The science and proper name of Nous is NOOPOOH (pronounced NOO-POO), and indeed NOOPOOH IS THE ORIGINAL CREATOR (Original Reason, Nine-Reason), Of course, The Original Reason is PRIMARY REASON. NoopooH is Nine-Reason and Nine-Ether in general and is indeed RESURRECTIONIST OF THE MENTAL DEAD -- people ignorant about the true knowledge of Nature and Its laws. NOOPOOH is the Positive Powers of Nature that reveal the facts of Positive Nature, and ZOOPOOH is the Negative Powers of Nature that reveal the facts of Negative Nature. SECONDARY REASON (The Creative Energy that produced Evolution and the secondary persons and things thereof into form and life) is called ZEUS (pronounced ZOOS) in the American English Dictionary of The United States. The Sun-God Ra of Egypt in Africa WAS ADOPTED in Greece as Zeus and in Italy as Jupiter and called LOGOS in philosophy. The proper and science name of Zeus is ZOOPOOH (pronounced ZOO-POO), and ZoopooH it THE SECONDARY CREATOR and EVOLUTIONARY PROCESSOR. Zeus (ZoopooH) is Six- Reason and Six-Ether in general. Zeus (descendants of Ptah who is Uranus) is The Gods and Goddesses (Spirit Beings) of Nature that rule and control in the BOTTOM HALF of THE SMAT CIRCLE OF ORDER. We all exist right now in the bottom of the bottom half of The Order Circle at Point 3 South.

The biggest difference between HUMAN BEINGS and LOWER ANIMALS is THE POTENTIAL ABILITY of Human Beings TO THINK AND REASON, PROGRESSIVELY. And this fact means that: If the progressive reasonability of a person never becomes rationally active (or reality), that person is likely to remain like a child mentally or be like the lower animal who CAN ONLY REASON, INSTINCTIVELY, if any at all. A person's degree of REASONABILITY is his or her DEGREE OF GODLINESS (Intelligence), and this means, that the stronger one's reasonability the stronger is his or her PERSONAL GOD.

Let It Be Remembered Always!!!

Friday, 25 April 2014

What is Reason? Forms Of Reason

REASON exists in three basic forms, namely: (1) The Creation Form (2) The Solution Form and (3) The Perpetuation Form. THE CREATION FORM OF REASON (or Creation Reason) is mind concentrating on origin of person or thing by formulating its egg or seed, fertilizing it, forming it, and developing it to birth and maturity. Artificial creations like those done by man and animal may also be included, in this creation-reason category. THE SOLUTION FORM OF REASON (or Solution Reason) is mind concentrating upon finding the answer to a question or the solution to a problem, like SIX-REASON does at one time by creating PANTHEISM and NINE-REASON does at another time by creating NOONE while emanating from the centers of Universe Orbs. THE PERPETUATION FORM OF REASON (or Perpetuation Reason) is concentrated mind, separate enough, dense enough, and adhesive enough to be individual Spirit Beings and is individual Spirit Beings. 

The creation form of Reason is NATURALLY CREATIVE, and of course, this is why in Noone (this Science) it is called CREATION REASON. The solution form of Reason is NATURALLY SOLVENT (capable of solving problems), and is why in Noone it is known as SOLUTION REASON. The perpetuation form of Reason is NATURALLY PERPETUAL (Original Spirit Beings -- those originated by the centers of Universe Orbs -- are Immortal) to the extent that The Suns and Universes of Absolute Nature are perpetual, and this is why in Noone it is called PERPETUATION REASON. Generally and ethereally speaking, THE WORLD-SOUL at any given time is the general mind and routine thinking that permeates The Universes from the center Brains of Universe Orbs throughout The Cosmos, as well as the three forms of Reason. In addition, it should be noted that Spirit Beings do not follow a direct line of reasoning like Human Beings, and the interests of Spirit Beings might not be exactly the same as that of Human Beings. Individual Spirit Beings do not create Universes, peoples, animals, and plants, but they do create and promote conditions, circumstances, situations, bacteria, and programs of Nature and in Nature designed to manipulate and control persons, places, and things favourably or unfavourably, positively or negatively. However, since Spirit Beings inhabit (live within) each and every Human Being from conception or birth to death, they may take the liberty of prohibiting or aiding conception of a living being or interfering with the gestation process or both.

Let It Be Remembered Always!!!!

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

What is Natural Ether? Creative Fire or Destructive Fire?

Natural Ether (Universe Ether) is THE COMBINATION of, all different kinds of elements of Matter and all types of Matter that can become active energy and have become active energy like creative fire, active blood, and active mind. ORIGINAL NATURAL ETHER, like all Universe Ether that follows, is produced by The Activating and Motivating Suns of The Elements, and is The Active Ether (The Creative Fire) that put (grew) The Universes into creation order. THE LAW OF NATURAL ETHER states: "The Energy of Energies is life or death called NATURAL ETHER (Universe Ether)who is all that energy can be at any given time and does all that energy can do at any given time while being the results of Brain-Noots melt-down by way of Brains, the same way each time that conditions are the same, and in accord with The Nature of Nature. In Nature Science, active energy is active Matter and active power. The Ethiopian Race got its name from the root-word ETHER which means BURNING LIKE LIFE and BLACK LIKE VACUUM, The Perfect Existence. Physical and visible light, Sunshine, The Suns themselves , fire, heat, electricity, Natural-Universe Ether, and even life itself (because life is a burning) are BLACK LIKE VACUUM, and this is why these energies turn persons and things BLACK whenever they come in contact  with these powers long enough.

Natural Ether is Creative Fire (Fire of Growth) or Destructive Fire (Fire of Decay). It creates life and creates death. Ether creates LIFE OF LIFE by origin and development called growth or increase in chemical strength by organization, and creates LIFE OF DEATH by decay or decrease in chemical strength by deterioration and disintegration. Therefore, THE MORAL or SCIENCE ETHIC of The Law of Natural Ether is based on LIFE, because there can be no kind of death until there is life. In life, a person has a choice, but that choice is predestined or predetermined by his or her nature. If the person is POSITIVE, he or she indeed will choose THE LIFE OF LIFE; and, if the person is in fact NEGATIVE, he or she chooses THE LIFE OF DEATH. If the person is positive, he picks REASON WHO IS ASCENDING Reason dedicated and obligated to finding the best answers to questions and also the best solutions to problems. On the other hand, if the person is negative, he picks REASON WHO IS DESCENDING Reason dedicated and obligated to finding false answers to many questions and false solutions to many problems for the sake and use of deception and misrepresentation for personal and selfish gains, pleasures and powers, disregarding the needs and natural rights of others, particularly other ethnic races, as in the case of RACIAL BIGOTRY. HEAD-ETHER, also called CREATIVE ETHER and GUIDING ETHER, is THE ENERGY REASON who is THE COSMIC and MUNDANE INTELLIGENCE.


Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Nature By Reason

Nature is OMNIPOTENT AND EFFICACIOUS in effect, meaning, Almighty and thereby able to do anything that can be done and do it perfectly. Nature exists on the functions of OPPOSITES, meaning, Space and Matter, positive and negative, night and day, male and female, living and the dead, life and death, pleasure and pain, order and disorder and so on. Nature deals in ALTERNATIONS AND ALTERATIONS meaning, Nature alternates Its opposites and alterates Its forms, ultimately from the form to the formless and vice versa. Nature is MAGICAL AND MAGNETIC, that is, It does do things that can not be naturally duplicated by man or animal or a combination of the two. Nature is BALANCE, that is, Its laws must eventually be satisfied, resulting in liberation, justice, and. equality for ALL, including Nature's own over-all physical equilibrium. And without a doubt NATURE IS ALL, meaning, Eternal-Almighty Nature is all persons, all places and all things -- past, present and future. Nature is INFINITE in all directions and ABSOLUTE. Nature is OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT, AM OMNISCIENT. Nature is UNITY AND ACTIVITY AND RELATIVITY for All and in All. Nature is ONENESS AND UNIQUENESS. Nature is THE ALL-IN-ALL, forever and ever.