The Creator did not just create some persons and things at the beginning of life and order and then stop creating, because He and She are still creating, and the way They created persons and things originally is the same way They still do, and that way is BY GROWING THEM. Creating does not mean making SOMETHING FROM NOTHING (which is impossible ); creating means formulating and forming, constructing, building, manufacturing, composing, constituting, generating, concentrating, or growing persons, places, or things from Matter or material already existing. THE CREATOR IS ALL SPACE , ALL MATTER, AND ALL TIME and that is ALL NATURE. The Space of Nature is Infinite Vacuum; The Matter of Nature is anything and everything that occupy Space, and The Time of Nature is the continuation of the existence of Infinite Vacuum and Infinite Matter. Note that the true and Nature - Science definition of Matter is: "ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT OCCUPY SPACE." When a person reasons out and rationally analyzes this definition of Matter, he or she comes to know that MATTER IS THE ALMIGHTY together with Space and Time.
Matter is The Almighty and The Creator is in The Almighty. The Creator is in ALL MATTER in one degree or another, that is to say, in various degrees. In Nature-Universe Science, THE PRIME-MOVER in Matter is called BRAIN-NOOTS. The Prime-Mover is the FIRST PARTICLES OF MATTER to make THE FIRST MOVE toward putting a person, place, or thing into creation order, and Universe Scientists label these particles "BRAIN-NOOTS." Brain Noots create, meaning, grow BRAINS, and as Brain Matter accumulates and consolidates, it produces energy called MIND AND REASON, and Reason uses mind and also other energies in Matter, as well as Itself, to grow persons and things. What causes the Prime-Mover (Brain-Noots) to move toward formula, life, and order are the proper conditions, Laws of Nature, and the cycle in season suitable for the being who is to come into life, form, and system as an entity. These requirements and principles of Nature hold true whether the entity is going to be one of the largest organisms of Nature like a Universe or some of the smallest like bacteria.
Universe(s) (Macrocosm)
Bacteria (Microcosm)
BRAIN NOOTS (The Creator via The Energy Reason) ARE IN ALL MATTER throughout Infinite-Absolute Nature. Brain Noots are MICROSCOPIC and MACROSCOPIC, meaning, a person can neither see them with the naked eyes nor with a microscope, but we can hear with them, smell with them, taste with them, feel with them (physically and emotionally), and see dreams and visions with them. The understanding of this topic explains why there are countless different living creatures and organisms on and in the Planet Earth that NO GOD SOME PLACE IN THE SKY would ever think about creating or indeed ever care about creating , and this means that the Matter of Absolute Nature is ALL there ever was, All there is, and All there ever will be, meaning, MATTER IS THE ALMIGHTY FOREVER together with Space and Time. Matter, by way of Its Brain Noots and Reason, is The Creator, ETERNALLY.
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