Sunday, 24 July 2016

There is a SPELL upon the Ethiopian (The Woolly-Haired People)

There is a SPELL upon the Ethiopian (the Wooly-Haired People) the World over,and it is spell of spiritual ignorance and racial indifference cast upon the Ethiopian by Leviathan from the Caucasian and his Bible, and this is WHY no one has been able to really unite the Ethiopian in any considerable numbers, as is also WHY the people of African descent have not been able to make real progress toward freedom and equality. With the help of the Caucasian, Leviathan (the God of the Caucasians) hypnotized the Ethiopian with its magic powers and SEALED the hypnosis with spiritual ignorance and racial indifference, and the only way the spell can be broken and the Ethiopian be free indeed is that the spiritual ignorance be destroyed by spiritual knowledge and understanding, and the racial indifference be destroyed by racial knowledge and understanding.

It is futile trying to free hypnotized people without using the magic formula that will reverse the hypnotic spell which is keeping them captivity. It is futile trying to unite so-called Negroes, physically, without first uniting them, mentally. If we can achieve mental unity, we are automatically united physically, because a person talks and acts the way that he or she thinks, hence, the results of ignorant thoughts are ignorant words and works. If the minds of those of a kind are enslaved, that kind is enslaved no matter where they may be. If the minds of those of a kind are free, the physical person are free or will soon be free, because the mind is the control, and thereby determines the course that the person or persons will take.

When the mind is out of order, the person is out of order. When minds of Ethiopians are divided, the physical person are divided. Common knowledge, meaning, knowledge that all or he mass majority of Ethiopians will understand and accept will unite our minds. There can be no mental unity as long as the spell of racial indifference is upon. When destruction of the spell is complete, the Ethiopian will have a free and united mind. Right knowledge (Correct Information) by the help of the Forces of Nature will destroy the evil spell of confusion, ignorance, apathy, and disunity among Ethiopians. Right knowledge is designed to free, discipline, and unite the minds of Ethiopians, then the rest of our heritage will come as sufficient effort is made. Right knowledge, wisdom and understanding are the magic formula necessary to counteract and destroy the evil hypnotic spell of Leviathan, because right knowledge causes the Ethiopian to think right and take right steps toward liberty, justice, and equality by the help of the Positive Forces of Nature.

The Ethiopian lost his and her spiritual powers long ago, but this Blog will help us regain them by helping to destroy ignorance, because without the restoration of our OWN spiritual powers, we can never be free and equal again. Our own spiritual powers are NOOPOOH disclosed in the African Philosophical Science NOONE the spiritual science of the Ethiopian, the Woolly-Haired People all over planet Earth.
