According to the Ancients, a spirit (evil or good) is CONSCIOUS GASES that can produce spirit gases from blood or water in order to emanate. There are two kinds of spirit -- ETHER and GHOST (Matthew Chapter 3 Verse 11), and these two forces represent THE OPPOSITES -- the living and dead, black and white, Sun and Moon, and so on. Whether a spirit is good or evil depends on whom its for or against. A spirit can be good at one time and evil at another time. It is considered a good spirit to those it's for and an evil spirit to those it is against -- regardless of whether it is Ether or Ghost. Of course, a spirit is good to those it helps and evil to those it harms.
However, Ether can produce Ghost but Ghost can not product Ether, just as BLACK PEOPLE can produce ALBINOS but albinos can not produce Black People. Therefore, Ghost is the spirit (God) of albinos (Caucasians) and thereby, spellbinding others for Caucasians, and Ether is the spirit (God) for Black People. According to the Ancients, Ether looks like FIRE or BLACK SMOKE, and Ghost looks like a WHITE HAZE or FOG. Ghost is Water spirit and Ether is Fire spirit -- UNQUENCHABLE FIRE. An albino goes through a GHOST PROCESS during his or her GESTATION period in the mothers womb, and that process greatly lessens colour pigmentation in skin when the child in an offspring of Black Parents, as in the case of Cain. The Moon-God CREATES GHOST SPIRIT. Since spirits are gas forces, they can enter a person's body at will and leave at will. Of course, an incarnation is a Spirit-God in the flesh.
According to the unabridged American English Dictionary, there are two categories, of Spirit Beings -- AGATHODEMONS (Good Spirits) and CACODEMON (Evil Spirits) but the Writer adds a third category and calls it CAGATHODEMONS (a combination of the Cacodemon and Agathodemon classification), meaning, those spirits who are EVIL AND GOOD or GOOD AND EVIL. One reason for the third category or classification is the fact that ALL Spirit Gods and Goddesses in the bottom half of the Smat Circle of Order have a NEGATIVE SIDE (like everybody and everything else have opposites within themselves), and this means that the Cagathodemon, Category of Spirits can fit into any of the three categories, depending on their likes and dislikes, the time and the season, and The Laws and Cycles of Nature. However, all Spirits are not Gods and Goddesses, and thereby, might have to fit into the good or evil classification, only. Because, if a spirit is not a God or Goddesses, it is A HELPER-SPIRIT who follows orders to do good, if the nature of the Spirit is good, or follows, orders to do evil, if the nature of, the Spirit is evil. Like all intelligent organizations, spirits organization has CHAIN-OF-COMMAND, meaning, the higher in rank gives orders or commands to the lower in rank.
All Spirit Beings are Ether Forces and Powers of VARIOUS DEGREES, that is, some Spirit Beings are DEADER than others, and some are composed of more reasonability than others, The deader a Spirit Being is the less is its reasonability. NATURAL ETHER IS NATURAL ELECTRICITY GAS who exist in circle degrees. Physical light (which is a form of Ether) bends around the corner and also shines through transparent material (like glass) because it is EXPLODING-HIGH-SPEED MAGIC NOOTS melting down into ETHEREAL GAS ENERGY called SPIRIT Of course, GAS emanates in all directions (when freed); so, light (being Ether Gas) emanates in all directions even around the corner. Ether Gas-Energy (spirit) can be CONSCIOUS or NON-CONSCIOUS, HARMFUL or helpful, depending on THE SOURCE AND PURPOSE, and the source can be NATURAL or ARTIFICIAL. All active energies in Nature are NOOTS of Matter melting, down in accord with conditions.